Thursday, April 30, 2009

Madonna isn't fit to adopt my Mercy, claims the girl's father

Madonna's hopes of adopting a second child from Malawi were dealt a crushing blow last night after the infant's father began a bid to claim full custody.

James Kambewa, 24, said he wanted to spare his three-year-old daughter Mercy a life of 'scandal' with a woman he claimed lacks 'good morals'.

Mr Kambewa, who has never met his daughter after walking out on her mother when she was pregnant, has written a letter to lawyers asking for a permanent injunction against Madonna adopting her.

Madonna cradles Mercy, three, while on a visit to Malawi

Adoption bid: Madonna cradles Mercy, three, while on a visit to Malawi

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Mail last night, Mr Kambewa, who earns just £23 a month as a security guard, insisted he would give his daughter a good home.

Mercy has been living in an orphanage since her mother died.

'She is my daughter; she is my blood; she needs parental love,' he said. 'She is not an orphan. She lost one parent, yes, but I am still alive and so she is not an orphan.

'Madonna has millions of dollars but that doesn't make her a good mum. Parental love is more than money.'

The letter from James Kambewa, which he wrote in an attempt to block Madonna's application to adopt his daughter

The letter from James Kambewa, which he wrote in an attempt to block Madonna's application to adopt his daughter

James Kambewa is yet to meet Mercy, after he left her mother when she was pregnant

James Kambewa is yet to meet Mercy, after he left her mother when she was pregnant

He added: 'Besides, I don't think Madonna is a model mum. I have seen her in movies of her songs. She doesn't portray good morals.

'How can a woman of 50 dance almost naked on stage? I wouldn't want my daughter to grow up like that! In Malawi women respect themselves. Cultured women do not go about half-naked.

'I also heard after her marriage failed she is already seeing two men, both very younger than her and her ex-husband. I hear one of them is even less than half her age. That's scandalous. How can a normal woman fall for a boy who can as well be her son? No, spare my Mercy that scandal.'

A court has already denied Madonna, 50, the chance to adopt Mercy, but she is said to be ' confident' of overturning that ruling at an appeal next Monday.

She had hoped it would succeed on the basis she has the backing of Mercy's immediate family, includingher grandmother Lucy Chekichiwa and her uncle Peter Baneti. That, however, was before Mr Kambewa's intervention.

He is enlisting the help the Human Rights Consultative Committee, a group of organisations which have campaigned against Madonna's adoption bid.

In a hand-written letter to the HRCC legal team, headed ' Claiming the right to raise a child', he said: 'I have learnt that an American-musician called Madonna has applied to a court for the adoption of the kid, to which the grandmother has consented.


Madonna holds her adopted son David as they meet with the boy's biological father, Yohane Banda, during her visit to Malawi in March

'However, I do not consent to the adoption because I feel I am capable of raising the child.'

Mr Kambewa met Mercy's mother Mwandida Maunde when she was 15. They fell in love and Mwandida became pregnant.

But Mr Kambewa denied responsibility for the child and disappeared. He has pledged to take a DNA test to prove he is the father.

'I regret I haven't been around for Mercy for the past three years,' he said. 'She shouldn't have been at the orphanage if I was around.

'I regret my childishness. I hope the appeal fails so that I assume my rightful role as Mercy's dad.'

The HRCC confirmed it had received his letter and will decide whether to appoint a lawyer for him.

Madonna and daughter Lourdes

The singer brought along her biological daughter Lourdes for the adoption proceedings

Source: Daily Mail Uk.

Girls Aloud for Kit-Kat Senses

Homa ya nguruwe yazidi kusambaa

Maafisa nchini Ujerumani wamethibitisha visa vitatu vya homa ya nguruwe nchini ujerumani.

Mwanamke mmoja mwenye umri wa miaka 22 kutoka Hamburg, mwanamme mmoja kutoka mji wa Ragensburg na mwanamke mmoja kutoka mkoa wa Bavaria ndio imethibitishwa wameambukizwa homa hii ya nguruwe. Maafisa wa afya nchini Ujerumani wanasema bado pia wanachunguza visa vingine kuthibitisha kama ni homa hii ya nguruwe. Visa vinne vimeripotiwa katika nchi mbili za ulaya, visa viwili Uingereza na viwili Uhispania. Lakini hadi sasa ni nchini Mexico tu ndio imeripotiwa vifo - watu 159 wamefariki.

Homa ya nguruwe ambayo kwanza iligunduliwa nchini Mexico, inaendelea kusambaa duniani. Nchini Ujerumani maafisa wa afya wamethibitisha visa vitatu vya homa hii ya nguruwe. Kisa cha kwanza kiliripotiwa Ujerumani ilikuwa ni mtu mmoja aliyekuwa ziarani Mexico, anatoka huko Mallersdorf karibu na mji wa Regensburg.

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Kufunika uso ni mojawapo ya tahadhari za kuzuia homa ya nguruwe.Idadi hii hata hivyo sasa imeongezeka, baada ya maafisa wa afya kuchunguza visa vingine sita vya maambukizi haya ya homa hii ya nguruwe- wamethibitisha mwanamke mmoja mwenye umri wa miaka 22 kutoka Hamburg anaugua homa hii ya nguruwe. Kisa kingine kilichothibitishwa Ujerumani ni kutoka mkoa wa Bavaria, mwanamke mmoja mwenye umri wa miaka 37.

Bado maafisa wanaendelea kuchunguza visa vingine kubainisha iwapo ni homa hii ya nguruwe au ni homa tu ya kawaida. Mbali na Ujerumani- ulaya sasa imethibitisha visa saba vya homa hii ya nguruwe- visa viwili viliripotiwa nchini Uingereza, Viwili nchini Uhispania na sasa vitatu Ujerumani. Nchini MAREKANI idadi ya wanaougua homa hii ya nguruwe imeongezeka hadi watu 64, huku wataalam wakisema wanataraji sasa vifo kadhaa vitatokea jinsi homa hii inavyosambaa.

Shirika la afya duniani WHO limesema litaanda mkutano wa wanasayansi kubadilishana mawazo namna homa hii inavyosambaa na vipi watapata tiba. Watalaam wa afya kutoka Marekani na Mexico, chanzo cha homa hii ya nguruwe.

Mexico ndio nchi pekee imeripoti vifo- idadi hadi kufikia sasa ni 150 huku watu wengine 1,600 wakithibitishwa wanaugua homa hii ya nguruwe. Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa usalama wa afya wa shirika la afya duniani WHO Keiji Fukuda anasema hadi sasa haijabainika ni kwa nini virusi vya homa hii nchini Mexico vina makali sana kuliko maeneo mengine .

Watalaam kutoka Marekani na Mexico watashiriki katika mkutano huu ulioitishwa na shirika la afya duniani, na baadaye WHO imesema itatoa ripoti yake baadaye hii leo.

Kwingine duniani, watu wanaendelea na tahadhari huku wasafiri wakipimwa katika viwanja vya ndege ili kuzuia kusambaa kwa homa hii ya nguruwe.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Milipuko ya kutisha yatikisa jiji la Dar

Milipuko mikubwa yatikisa jiji la Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Ghala la kuhifadhia silaha la jeshi la Tanzania nje ya jiji la Dar es Salaam nchini Tanzania limelipuka na kusababisha vifo vya watu watatu.

Kwa mujibu wa mwandishi wa BBC Vicky Ntetema akiwa mjini Dar es Salaam mamia ya watu wamejeruhiwa wakati wakikimbia kwa hofu wakati milipuko hiyo ilipokuwa ikiendelea kurindima.

Polisi wamesema majengo kadha katika eneo la tukio yaliungua moto kutokana na vipande vya mabomu yaliyokuwa yakipaa hewani katika ghala la silaha la jeshi la Mbagala.

Mitikisiko ya takriban milipuko mitatu ilisikika katika maeneo yote ya jiji la Dar es Salaam ambapo maofisa wa serikali waliwashauri wafanyakazi kuondoka katika majengo yao ya kazi.

Watu wengi walikuwa na hofu kubwa huenda ni mashambulio ya mabomu kama yaliyotokea mwaka 1998 yakihusishwa na kundi la al Qaeda, ambayo yalileta kizaazaa katika jiji la Dar es Salaam.

Ghala hilo la jeshi likiwa jirani na kambi ya jeshi kilometa 14 nje ya katikati ya jiji la Dar es Salaam, inaaminika linahifadhi kiasi kikubwa cha silaha yakiwemo mabomu na makombora yanayotumika katika mizinga.

Mwandishi wa BBC anasema hospitali ya karibu ya Temeke ilihemewa na majeruhi na inaaminika idadi ya vifo huenda ikaongezeka.

Eneo lililoathirika na kuangukiwa na vipande vya mabomu hayo ni kubwa.

Mwandishi wetu Vicky Ntetema amesema alishuhudia mabaki ya mabomu hayo pamoja na mwili wa mtu aliyeuawa kiasi cha kilometa 15 kutoka kambi ya jeshi.

Karibu na eneo lililotokea milipuko, afisa mmoja mwandamizi wa polisi Paul Chagonja amesema wamepokea taarifa zisizothibitishwa kwamba baadhi ya watoto walizama baada ya kuingia mtoni wakiwa wanakimbia kutokana na hofu ya milipuko.

Amesema idadi kubwa ya nyumba zimehariwa katika eneo hilo, nyingine zikiwa zimepata nyufa kubwa huku baadhi zikiwa zimebomoka kabisa.

Source: BBC

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nothing to be scared of - superfit Mel B shows off her trim figure by the poolside

Stunning Mel B looked relaxed and carefree as she cavorted in the sunshine with her husband Stephen Belafonte.

The former Spice Girl showed she was in great shape as the pair frolicked by the poolside of the Peninsula Hotel, in Beverley Hills, Los Angeles.

The 33-year-old is on a break from her Las Vegas burlesque revue Peepshow but the impact of the dancing regime was clear from her toned figure.

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte frolic by the poolside at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles

Mel B shared a joke with husband Stephen Belafonte as he helped her with the suncream at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles

Husband Stephen helped her to make sure she had not missed any spots with the suncream before Mel slipped out of her four inch platforms ready for a dip.

The pair gazed lovingly into each others' eyes as they enjoyed a quick cuddle while they splashed around in the sun-dappled water.

And Stephen did not waste the opportunity to admire his wife's figure, taking a cheeky glance at her backside as she climbed back out of the pool.

Mel B gets rid of her heels ready to take a dip in the pool

The singer had to slip out of her four-inch heels ready to take a dip in the pool

Mel may have been Scary Spice when the Girl Power supergroup were still together but she showed she was nothing to be scared of now.

The popstar, originally from Leeds, earned that nickname for her loud voice, throaty laugh and in-your-face attitude.

After the band broke up in 2000 she launched an unsuccessful solo career and was dropped by record label Virgin.

Mel B prepares to take a dip in the pool at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles

Scary Spice looked in good shape as she prepared to take a dip

The singer, whose full name is Melanie Brown, moved to Los Angeles in 2003 with her daughter Phoenix-Chi.

She had a second baby, Angel Iris Murphy Brown, in April 2007 but the birth was mired in controversy over whether movie star Eddie Murphy was the father.

The comedian denied it was his child but later admitted paternity after a court-ordered DNA test.

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte frolic in the pool at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles

The couple looked carefree and happy as they frolicked in the water

Mel and movie producer Stephen married just two months later in a ceremony at Las Vegas.

The singer, who wore a white and red spotted black bikini for her dip in the pool, has been enjoying a renaissance of late.

She has dazzled audiences with her moves in Dancing With The Stars, the United States version of Strictly Come Dancing, and is the face of the Ultimo underwear range.

Mel B climbs back out of the pool watched by husband Stephen Belafonte

Husband Stephen takes a cheeky glance at Mel's backside

Source: Daily Mail Uk.

Mamia ya mashabiki wa soka wamzika golikipa wa zamani Sahau Kambi

MAMIA ya wapenzi na mashabiki wa soka wakiongozwa na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje, Benard Membe pamoja wachezaji wa soka wazamani jana walifurika katika makaburi ya Tandika Mikoroshini katika mazishi ya mchezaji wa zamani wa Yanga na Taifa Stars, Sahau Kambi.

Kambi alifariki dunia Jumanne Aprili 21 baada ya kusumbuliwa na matatizo ya tumbo pamoja na kisukari.

Wakizungumza na Mwananchi jana baadhi ya wachezaji wa zamani waliowahi kucheza naye soka mara baada ya kumalizika kwa mazishi walisema kuwa Tanzania imepoteza mtu muhimu katika michezo.

"Tumepoteza mtu muhimu katika michezo, kwani marehemu ni miongoni mwa Watanzania wachache waliotoa mchango mkubwa katika kuhakisha Tanzania inapiga hatua mbele zaidi katika soka.

"Lakini kwa vile imeisha tokea hatuna budi kumwombea kwa Mwenyezi Mungu na kuyaenzi mazuri yote aliyoyatenda enzi za uhai wake,"walisema wachezaji hao Zamoyoni Mogela, Gebo Peter, Dua Saidi, Abeid Mziba, Abeid Kasabalala, Ken Mkapa, Felix Minziro na Steven Nemes kwa hakika walionekana kuguswa sana na msiba huo.

Nao baadhi ya wapenzi na mashabiki wa soka waliohudhuria mazishi hayo walieleza kuwa watamkumbuka mlinda mlango huyo kutokana na uhodari wake na kupewa jina la 'Tanzania One' katika miaka ya 1990 akiwa na timu ya Yanga.

Mashabiki wa Yanga wanamkumbuka Sahau Kambi kwa kitendo chake cha kumrudishia mpira mshambuliaji wa Simba marehemu Edward Chumila aliyefunga bao lililopekea Fred Felix Miziro kocha wa Moro United kuanza kupiga, 'Sahau ata sahau'.

Kambi baada ya kuachana na soka alikuwa mshauri wa Balozi wa Comoro nchini na kazi aliyokuwa akifanya mpaka anafariki Dunia, hivi karibuni alikuwa mdhamini wa Mkurugenzi wa Zamani wa timu ya Moro United, Merey Balhabou anayekabiliwa na kesi ya kujipatia fedha isivyo halali katika benki ya Barclays.

Mungu aweke roho ya marehemu mahali pema peponi, Amen.

Source: Mwananchi

Theluthi mbili ya kura kikwazo kwa ANC

ANC yashinda uchaguzi licha ya kutopata wingi wa kura wa theluthi mbili

Chama tawala cha ANC nchini Afrika Kusini, kimeshinda uchaguzi mkuu lakini matokeo ya mwisho yanaonesha chama hicho kimeshindwa kupata theluthi mbili ya wingi wa kura.

Kwa mujibu wa maofisa wa tume ya uchaguzi chama cha ANC kimezoa asilimia 65.9 kutokana na kura milioni 17, upande wa chama cha Democratic Alliance kina asilimia 16.6 ya kura huku chama cha Congress of the People (Cope) kimejipatia asilimia 7.42.

Theluthi mbili ya kura ni muhimu katika bunge kwa ajili ya kubadilisha katiba.

Matokeo hayo yanatoa nafasi kwa kiongozi wa ANC Jacob Zuma kuwa rais mpya wa Afrika Kusini wakati bunge litakapokutana.

Wafuasi wa ANC wamekuwa katika sherehe nchi nzima huku wakisubiri matokeo rasmi kutangazwa.

Source: BBC

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pirate radio: Lady GaGa's looks all at sea in her wacky hat

It was the case of another day, another bizarre outfit for Lady GaGa as she turned up for an appearance on Capital Radio in a black pirate style hat and sunglasses.

The 23-year-old’s huge headwear took up much of the space in the studio as she was interviewed by breakfast show presenters Johnny Vaughan and Lisa Snowdon.

But the singer, who is famed for her flesh-baring style, opted to cover up her legs this time and instead wore black trousers with a black bodice and white belt.


Aye Aye captain: Lady GaGa sports a wacky pirate style hat during an appearance on Capital Radio yesterday and also brought along her famous cup and saucer

Her latest fashion choice comes a day after the Let's Dance singer stepped out in a pair of cream thigh-high lace up PVC boots, black PVC pants and bra and oversized black hat.

The star, who arrived in London this week, had earlier revealed that she wears sweat pants in bed from time, but would never be seen in public without her trademark outfits.

‘I always dress like this - all the time. I just don' t like that sort of thing (sweat pants). I just don't dress like that.
'Fashion is my whole life.

It brings me an inner sense of joy,’ she told Manchester's Key 103 radio show.

Lady GaGa with Johnny Vaughan and Lisa Snowdon

'I will wear sweat pants in bed once in a while but for the most part I wear something nice in bed too. I'm a lady I don't talk about that.

'GaGa, real name Stefani Joanne Germanotta, also spoke about her famous floral cup and saucer which she takes with her everywhere.

'My tea cup is so famous. I yelled at her today I said you're stealing my thunder go to bed.

'You know now its a gimic and its just my tea cup. That's my tea cup that I like to take everywhere it makes me feel at home.

'It's become a celebrity. I asked the people I work with to try to make me feel at home.

I miss home sometimes and I drink a lot of tea so instead of drinking from paper I ask for china.

'The singer is preparing to release her third single Paparazzi next month.

She is also celebrating her third week at the top of the UK album charts with her debut release The Fame.

Source: Daily Mail UK.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Simba, Yanga ngoma nzito zatoka sare ya 2-2

Kelvin Yondan wa timu ya Simba akichuana na washambuliaji wa timu ya Yanga Ben Mwalala (Chini) na Boniface Ambani katika mechi ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara kwenye uwanja wa taifa jijini Dar es salaam jana.Matokeo 2-2

MSHAMBULIAJI Jerry Tegete alizima kelele na shangwe za mashabiki wa Simba kwa kufunga bao la kusawazisha katika dakika za nyongeza kufanya
matokeo 2-2 kwenye mchezo uliochezwa katika Uwanja wa Taifa jijini Dar es Salaam jana.

Mashabiki wa Simba walikuwa wakishangilia kipindi chote cha mchezo furaha yao ilizidi baada ya winga wake Ramadhani Chombo 'Redondo' kuunganisha kwa kichwa krosi ya Henry Joseph dakika ya 23 kuandika bao la kwanza kwa wekundu hao.

Kuingia kwa bao hilo kuliamsha ari kwa timu ya Simba kufanya mashambulizi hadi mapumziko walikuwa wakioongoza kwa bao 1-0.

Mwanzoni mwa kipindi cha pili mshambuliaji wa kimataifa wa Kenya, Ben Mwalala aliisawazishia Yanga katika dakika ya 48 na kukimbilia eneo walipo mashabiki wa Simba na kuwafunga mdomo kitendo kilichowakera na kuanza kurusha chupa za maji.

Hata hivyo dakika ya 62, mchezaji bora wa mechi hiyo Haruna Moshi 'Boban' aliifungia timu yake bao la pili baada ya kuuwahi mpira uliopanguliwa na kipa Juma Kaseja likiwa shuti la Ramadhani Chombo.

Kiungo Haruna Moshi alionyesha mchango mkubwa kwa timu yake jambo lilopelekea jopo la ufundi kumtangaza mchezaji bora wa mechi na kuzawadiwa shilingi 300,000 .

Bao hilo la Boban lilidumu hadi dakika 90 kabla ya Jerry Tegete kuzima furaha za mashabiki wa Simba baada ya kuunganisha krosi ya Mike Barasa kwa kifua na kumwacha kipa wa Simba, Ally Mustapha asijue la kufanya.

Katika mchezo huo ulishuhudia timu zote zikicheza soka safi na kukamiana,huku Yanga wakitumia zaidi mipira ya krosi na washambuliaji wake warefu Ben Mwalala, na Boniface Ambani kupiga vichwa na kuwapa wakati mgumu mabeki wa Simba.

Mashabiki walifurahi zaidi soka ya upinzani iliyoonyesha kati ya Haruna Moshi na Nadir Haroub huku kwenye nafasi ya kiungo kulikuwa na kazi kubwa kati ya Henry Joseph, Niko Nyagawa na Ramadhani Chombo wa Simba dhidi ya Godfey Bonny, Nurdin Bakari na Mike Baraza kufanya mwamuzi kuwa na wakati ngumu.

Viatu, kusukumana na maneno ya hapa na pale baina ya wachezaji yalisababisha mwamuzi Israel Nkongo kutoa kadi za njano kutuliza hali ya mchezo.

Mwamuzi wa mchezo huo Israel Nkongo alilalamikiwa na mashabiki wa timu zote mbili kwa kutoa kadi nyingi za njano kabla ya kumtoa kwa kadi nyekundu mchezaji Nadir Haroub 'Cannavaro'. Nadir Cannavaro alizawadiwa kadi hiyo baada ya kuvua jezi wakati timu yake iliposawazisha, awali alilimwa kadi ya njano baada ya kumfanyia madhambi Ramadhani Chombo.

Tofauti na siku za nyuma mechi za watani hao zimekuwa zikigubikwa na imani za kishirikina, mechi ya jana hakukuwa na vitendo hivyo na wachezaji walionyesha mpira ni furaha na si uhasama baada ya kubadilisha jezi mara baada ya mchezo.

Kabla ya mchezo mwenyekiti wa Simba, Hassan Dalali aliingia uwanjani na kuonyesha ishara ya vidole vitatu akimanisha magoli matatu, lakini mambo hayakuwa alivyotegemea.

Akizungumza mara baada ya mchezo huo kocha wa Simba, Mzambia Patrick Phiri alisema "Yanga imebadilika tofauti na siku za nyuma, ni timu imara ina wachezaji wazuri, matokeo ya leo si mazuri kwetu kwa vile tulishakuwa washindi tumepoteza dakika za mwisho,"alisema Phiri.

Wakati Phiri akisema hayo, kocha wa Yanga, Dusan Kondic alipompongeza Mzambia Patric Phiri kwa kuibadilisha Simba na kuifanya icheze kitimu tofauti na ilivyokuwa katika mchezo wa awali.

"Nina furaha kwa matokeo haya, timu zote zimecheza mpira mzuri mabadiliko yaliyofanywa na timu zote ni mazuri mwamuzi kwa upande wangu ni mzuri,"alisema Kondic ambaye pia alilalamikia kitendo cha baadhi ya wapenzi wa Yanga ambao wamekuwa wakimtuhumu yeye na Obren kuwa anaiharibu Yanga na kudai kamwe hawezi kununua mchezo na badala yake anataka mpira uchezwe uwanjani.

Source: Mwananchi.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tacky Spice: Mel B leaves little to the imagination in raunchy new burlesque show

She's never been the shy, retiring type. So Mel B's latest career choice should come as no surprise to anyone.

The former Spice Girl has reinvented herself as a burlesque dancer in Las Vegas.

She made her debut this week in a raunchy stage show called Peepshow, appearing in a series of bikinis and provocative outfits.

Mel B

Risque: Mel B launched her new burlesque night, Peepshow, at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas

At one point the star, real name Melanie Brown, stripped down to her bra while holding a feather boa. Later she was seen pouring paint over a semi-naked man who was lying on a bed.

The 33-year-old will be performing for three months during its run at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.

She stars as Peep Diva, described as 'a bold and powerful woman with all the answers', who acts as the mistress of ceremonies.

Mel B and Kelly Monaco

Sugar and spice: Mel B, who plays the 'powerful' Peep Diva, takes the timid Bo Beep (Kelly Monaco) on a journey of self-discovery

She guides the timid Bo Peep, played by American TV starlet Kelly Monaco, on a journey of self-discovery and sexual awakening.

Kelly's character blossoms into a 'sexy, daring, provocative and more confident woman' with Mel's expert help.

The Leeds-born mother of two has also revealed plans to release a new album next year.

Mel B

Mel B wears a range of increasingly provocative outfits in the burlesque show

She said of her burlesque career: 'Because I'm coming out as a solo artist next year I feel this show is putting me back in an arena that I'm most comfortable in and love doing most, which is performing and entertaining on stage.

'This part is great for me. As a Spice Girl I would bring guys on stage and whip them, so I think I've always been slightly naughty.

The former Spice Girl shimmied on stage in several revealing costumes

'Burlesque is all about embracing and celebrating your body.'
'As a Spice Girl I would bring guys on the stage and whip them, so I think I've always been slightly naughty.'

In comparison to former bandmate Victoria, who is carving out a name for herself in the fashion industry, Mel B has had a relatively low profile since the end of her days as Scary Spice.

Kelly Monaco and Mel B

Kelly's character, left, blossoms into a sexy, daring, more confident woman with Mel B's help by the end of the night

Mel B in Las Vegas

She was joined by several scantily-clad dancers

The mother-of two's previous forays into solo stardom have been less than memorable.

She prepared for her burlesque performance earlier this year by modelling for lingerie label Ultimo.

She said: 'A girl’s gotta have great lingerie, but it’s also all about the wink and the tease that goes with it!'Modelling lingerie is really empowering and it was fantastic to get in character for the shoot and strut my stuff.'

Mel B

Playful: The girls splash pink paint onto a semi-naked man tied up on a bed


Splattering: The girls cover their victim in paint

With the rise of artists such as Dita Von Teese, burlesque has become a high-profile form of entertainment, even considered an art form.

How pouring pink paint onto a man tied to a bed fits in with this is open debate but the former Scary Spice clearly enjoyed her role as a saucy striptease artist.

The former Spice Girl, who plans a career as a solo artist next year, says the raunchy show is putting her back into an arena where she is most comfortable

Mel B

Dominant: She drags a bare-chested male across the stage

Mel B described her performance as 'scantily clad, but in a classy way

Source: Daily Mail Uk.

Yanga nje Kombe la Afrika baada ya kupigwa na Al Ahly Dar

NI dhahiri mashabiki wa Yanga walikuwa wanalitambua kwamba timu yao haiwezi kushinda, mabao 4-0 lakini walichokifuata ni kuona aina ya soka ya Al Ahly na nyota wake.

Al Ahly iliifunga Yanga mabao 3-0 katika mchezo wa kwanza wa Ligi ya Mabingwa Afrika mjini Cairo, ikaifunga tena bao 1-0 kwenye Uwanja wa Taifa, Dar es Salaam jana ikiwa ni mchezo wa marudiano.

Yanga ambayo iliweka rekodi kwa kuitoa Etoile d’Or Mirontsy ya Comoro kwa mabao 14-1 walishindwa kabisa kuonyesha soka yao halisi huku Al Ahly wakionana karibu kila idara katika vipindi vyote.

Aliyewakatisha tamaa Yanga alikuwa Flavio Amado aliyefunga bao pekee katika dakika ya tano baada ya mabeki wa Yanga, Nadir Haroub ‘Cannavaro’, Shadrack Nsajigwa na Wisdom Ndhlovu kujichanganya na mpira kumkuta mfungaji aliyeukwamisha wavuni kirahisi.

Katika mchezo huo ambao ulianza kwa kukumbuka mashabiki 22 waliokufa uwanjani Ivory Coast, Yanga ilianza kwa matumaini lakini wakati wakielekeza mashambulizi, Shadi Mohamed wa Al Ahly aliunasa na kutoa mpira kwa Mohamed Barakat ambaye naye aliwachanganya wachezaji wa Yanga na kumkuta Flavio.

Yanga waliokuwa wakiongozwa na Athumani Idd ‘Chuji’, Mrisho Ngassa, Mick Barasa na Abdi Kassim walijaribu kuipenya ngome ya Ahly lakini ukuta wake chini ya Ahrd Sayed, Gipergo Sebastian, Wae Gomaa na Shadi walisimama imara na kuyadhibiti mashabulizi ya Yanga.

Katika dakika ya 17, Al Ahly waliokuwa wakicheza pasi fupifupi za uhakika ambazo mashabiki wa Simba walikuwa wakizihesabu mara kwa mara hadi 10 kabla ya kupotea, walifanya mashambulizi ya kushtukiza lakini yasiyo na faida.

Mohamed Aboutrika alifunga bao katika dakika ya 20, lakini mwamuzi alilikataa kwa madai mfungaji alikuwa ameotea.

Kipindi cha pili, Yanga ilianza kama ilivyokuwa kipindi cha kwanza kwa mashambulizi mfululizo, lakini kibao kiligeuka kwa wageni waliokuwa wakicheza 3-5-2 na wakati mwingine 4-4-2 kuonana kwa pasi fupi fupi za haraka katika dakika ya 48, 50 na 54.

Yanga wakitumia mfumo wa 4-4-2 walijibu kwa shambulizia kali na kupata kona tatu mfululizo katika dakika za 55, 56 na 57 lakini walikosa umakini na kupoteza mpira.

Hata hivyo pamoja na kufanya mabadiliko kwa kuwatoa Abdi Kassim, Boniface Ambani na Barasa na nafasi zao kuchukuliwa na Shamte Ally, Ben Mwalala na Jerry Tegete lakini hawakuweza kubadili sura ya mchezo.

Kocha wa Yanga, Dusan Kondic baada ya mchezo huo alisema: “Tumefungwa kutokana na makosa ya ngome, wenzetu walitumia nafasi hiyo kufunga.

Sisi tumetengeneza nafasi nyingi lakini tumeshindwa kufunga. “Nawapongeza Al Ahly, ni timu nzuri, ina kila sababu za kushinda kwa kuwa wamekaa pamoja muda mrefu, wana uzoefu na wana kila sababu ya kushinda.

Binafsi nawapongeza wachezaji wangu licha ya kutolewa kwa kweli wamejitahidi.

Akizidi kuisifu Al Ahly alitoa mfano kwa kusema msimu uliopita waliifunga Enyimba ya Nigeria mabao 6-1 lakini wakafungwa 2-1 mjini Aba, Nigeria.

“Enyimba ni timu ngumu, ni timu kali Afrika lakini walipigwa hayo tofauti na sisi…nawapongeza sana Al Ahly.”

Kocha huyo alisema kuwa Yanga inaweza kufanya vizuri baada ya miaka mitatu: “wakati naingia Yanga, nilisema mafanikio yangu ni baada ya miaka mitatu, sasa nina mwaka mmoja, baada ya miaka mingine miwili, mtaiona Yanga.”

Kocha wa Al Ahly, Manuel Josse alikataa kuzungumzia mchezo huo.Timu hiyo iliondoka jana jioni kurudi nyumbani ikipitia Nairobi.

Yanga iliwakilishwa na: Kaseja, Nsajigwa, Nurdin, Haroub, Ndhlovu, Owino, Ngassa, Abdi/Shamte Ally, Idd, Ambani/Mwalala, Barasa/Tegete.

Source: Mwananchi

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bootylicious Beyonce flies through the air with the greatest of (un)ease

Beyonce made certain to pull out all the stops as her I Am... Sasha Fierce tour opened in Vancouver, Canada last night.

The pop diva took to the air after strapping herself into a harness to fly above the crowd during the first night of her new tour.

But for once the super-confident all-round entertainer looked a little bit ill at ease.

Low flying object: Beyonce flies Superheroine style through the air with the greatest of ease

Low flying object: Beyonce flies Superheroine style through the air but doesn't look completely at ease at the Vancouver leg of her I Am Sasha Fierce tour

Beyonce, 27, slipped into a harness and was hoisted high into the air, but she appeared a little wobbly as she revealed a whole lot of leg in a short gold costume teamed with high heeled black patent shoes.

The singer, who is married to rapper Jay Z, has expressed a wish to be the first black Wonder Woman.

And likened landing the role to the election of Barack Obama, whose campaign she backed.

She recently revealed she has met executives at DC Comics and Warner Brothers, who own the rights to the iconic figure.

Luckily for her Wonder Woman doesn't actually have the power to fly, instead she has an invisible plane.


Like a bird: The singer pulled out all the stops at the Vancouver opener for her tour in Canada

The singer who has dominated the music world since her early days as a teenager in group Destiny's Child has reinvented herself for a gloriously over-the-top tour which is set to arrive in London next month.

One Canadian newspaper said: 'Beyoncé twisted all the theatrics into her musical performance flawlessly, demonstrating her many talents as an artist.

'She premiered her new show which sees Miss Knowles assume a dual role as Beyonce, and alter-ego Sasha Fierce, complete with designs by Parisian couturier Thierry Mugler.

beyonceRemove Formatting from selectionSuperwoman: Beyonce has expressed her desire to play super heroine Wonder Woman

Beyonce chose Mugler to design her entire tour wardrobe, and it's certainly not for the shy and retiring type.

She fell in love with Mugler, who closed his couture line in 2003, after viewing his work in the Costume Institute's 'Superheroes' exhibit in May.Beyonce comes to Britain in May.

She will be at Birmingham on May 23, London May 25 and Manchester May 27.

Short and tight: The singer wore her signature embellished showgirl look onstage, designed by French couturierThierry Mugler

Meanwhile rumours abound that Destiny's Child are set to reform for a new album.

Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton reports that the trio are contractually obliged to produce a new disc for their label.

But it could be at least a year before former bandmates Kelly Rowland, Beyonce and Michelle Williams, get back into the studio.


Jetsetter: Beyonce arrived via private jet from to Vancouver ahead of the tour opener

Source: Daily Mail Uk.

Meli yazua kasheshe kwa wakazi Kigamboni

Baadhi ya wakazi wa Dar es Salaam wakiishangaa meli ya mizigo ambayo imekwama kuanzia Jumanne ufukweni karibu na Bandari ya Dar es Salam. Juhudi za kuikwamua zilikuwa bado zinaendelea Jumatano

WAKAZI wa Kigamboni jijini Dar es Salaam jana walikumbuka kwa muda adha ya usafiri wa kivuko baada ya meli ya mizigo ya MSC FEDERICH kukwama kwenye njia ambayo kivuko cha Mv Magogoni hupitia kuvusha abiria na mizigo.

Meli hiyo ilikwama kwa masaa kadhaa kabla ya boti kuivutia kando kidogo kwa njia hiyo na hivyo kukipa mwanya kivuko hicho kuendelea na kazi ya kuvusha watu.

Habari ambazo Mwananchi ilizipata kutoka eneo la tukio zinasema kuwa nahodha wa meli hiyo alipoteza mawasiliano na chombo kilichokuwa kikiiongoza na hivyo kwenda nje ya njia yake na kukwama.

Kazi ya kuivuta meli hiyo ilionekana kuwa ngumu kutokana na minyororo iliyotumiwa na boti hizo tatu ndogo kukatika mara kwa mara na kuwapa kazi kubwa mabaharia kufunga tena na kuendelea kuivuta.

Hadi tunaenda mitamboni, boti hizo tatu zilishindwa kuiondoa kabisa meli hiyo na kurudi kwenye maegesho yao, lakini kivuko kiliendelea na shughuli zake za kuvusha abiria na mali.

Wakazi wa Kigamboni wamekuwa waathirika wakubwa wa tatizo la kivuko na mara kadhaa wamejikuta wakilazimika kusubiri kwa muda mrefu; kutumia boti ndogo au kuzunguka kwa barabara kupitia Mbagala ili kurudi au kwenda Kigamboni.

Lakini mwishoni mwa mwaka jana, wakazi wa Kigamboni walipata suluhisho la matatizo yao baada ya kivuko cha Mv Magogoni kujengwa na hawajawahi kupata tatizo la usafiri katika siku za karibuni.

Source: Mwananchi

Mkutano wa viongozi G20 waanza London

Waandamaji wakipinga ubepari

Usalama umeimarishwa jijini London wakati huu viongozi wa mataifa tajiri zaidi duniani wa kundi lijulikanalo G20 wakijiandaa kuanza mkutano wa siku moja kujaribu kuukwamua uchumi wa dunia.

Mkutano huo unalenga kukubaliana mikakati ya kudhibiti mdororo wa uchumi duniani.

Kumekuwa na dalili Ufaransa na Ujerumani kutofautiana na Marekani kuhusu mbinu za kukabiliana na tatizo hilo.

Afrika Kusini ndiyo taifa pekee barani Afrika lenye uanachama katika G20, ingawa NEPAD itawasilisha ajenda ya Afrika kwa ujumla.

Waziri mkuu wa Ethiopia Meles Zenawi anahudhuria kwa nafasi yake ya mwenyekiti wa NEPAD.

Huku mkutano huo ukifanyika mashirika ya kimataifa yanatabiri uchumi wa dunia mwaka huu huenda ukadorora zaidi.

Mada ya mkutano wa G20 ni kuutafutia ufumbuzi msukosuko wa uchumi unaoikumba dunia kwa wakati huu.

Pia viongozi hao watajadili mbinu za kuzuia mdororo kama huu usitokee tena kwa siku zijazo.

Nalo Shirika la fedha duniani IMF, linapendekeza hatua za kudhibiti mfumo wa fedha duniani kupewa umuhimu.

Tofauti zimeibuka kuhusu matumizi ya pesa za umma pamoja na kupunguza kiwango cha kodi wanachotozwa watu, kama njia ya kuuchepusha uchumi.

Source: BBC