Madonna's hopes of adopting a second child from Malawi were dealt a crushing blow last night after the infant's father began a bid to claim full custody.
James Kambewa, 24, said he wanted to spare his three-year-old daughter Mercy a life of 'scandal' with a woman he claimed lacks 'good morals'.
Mr Kambewa, who has never met his daughter after walking out on her mother when she was pregnant, has written a letter to lawyers asking for a permanent injunction against Madonna adopting her.
Adoption bid: Madonna cradles Mercy, three, while on a visit to Malawi
Speaking exclusively to the Daily Mail last night, Mr Kambewa, who earns just £23 a month as a security guard, insisted he would give his daughter a good home.
Mercy has been living in an orphanage since her mother died.
'She is my daughter; she is my blood; she needs parental love,' he said. 'She is not an orphan. She lost one parent, yes, but I am still alive and so she is not an orphan.
'Madonna has millions of dollars but that doesn't make her a good mum. Parental love is more than money.'
The letter from James Kambewa, which he wrote in an attempt to block Madonna's application to adopt his daughter
James Kambewa is yet to meet Mercy, after he left her mother when she was pregnant
He added: 'Besides, I don't think Madonna is a model mum. I have seen her in movies of her songs. She doesn't portray good morals.
'How can a woman of 50 dance almost naked on stage? I wouldn't want my daughter to grow up like that! In Malawi women respect themselves. Cultured women do not go about half-naked.
'I also heard after her marriage failed she is already seeing two men, both very younger than her and her ex-husband. I hear one of them is even less than half her age. That's scandalous. How can a normal woman fall for a boy who can as well be her son? No, spare my Mercy that scandal.'
A court has already denied Madonna, 50, the chance to adopt Mercy, but she is said to be ' confident' of overturning that ruling at an appeal next Monday.
She had hoped it would succeed on the basis she has the backing of Mercy's immediate family, includingher grandmother Lucy Chekichiwa and her uncle Peter Baneti. That, however, was before Mr Kambewa's intervention.
He is enlisting the help the Human Rights Consultative Committee, a group of organisations which have campaigned against Madonna's adoption bid.
In a hand-written letter to the HRCC legal team, headed ' Claiming the right to raise a child', he said: 'I have learnt that an American-musician called Madonna has applied to a court for the adoption of the kid, to which the grandmother has consented.
Madonna holds her adopted son David as they meet with the boy's biological father, Yohane Banda, during her visit to Malawi in March
'However, I do not consent to the adoption because I feel I am capable of raising the child.'
Mr Kambewa met Mercy's mother Mwandida Maunde when she was 15. They fell in love and Mwandida became pregnant.
But Mr Kambewa denied responsibility for the child and disappeared. He has pledged to take a DNA test to prove he is the father.
'I regret I haven't been around for Mercy for the past three years,' he said. 'She shouldn't have been at the orphanage if I was around.
'I regret my childishness. I hope the appeal fails so that I assume my rightful role as Mercy's dad.'
The HRCC confirmed it had received his letter and will decide whether to appoint a lawyer for him.
The singer brought along her biological daughter Lourdes for the adoption proceedings
Source: Daily Mail Uk.